
and then there were three.......and no sleep

Yesterday was quite the day. I was minding my own business, working diligently in my office, when my phone rang. I'm making this sound quite ominous aren't I? It was foster care calling and they said that they had a four week old boy coming into care either that night or the following day and wanted to know if we would be willing to take him. After extracting my heart from my throat I said I'd call my wife and call them right back. This was actually our second call, from foster care. About a month ago we got a call asking us to take in two children and neither of us felt good about it, so we said no. As we talked on the phone yesterday, we both felt pretty good about everything, we said a little prayer over the phone, still felt good, so we decided to take the plunge. I called back, said yes, we'd love to take the little grunt in, what was the plan? The plan was they were still out looking for him and that they would let us know as soon as they could whether it would be the same day or the next for pick-up (sounds like a pizza delivery). At about 4pm, I got the call saying the baby was in and that they closed at 5pm so we needed to get going to pick him up. Both Lisa and I ran home, pulled out the car seat that we had purchased about two months ago and Lisa drove to the drop-off (again, sounds so un-baby like) while I fiddled around in the back seat trying to become smarter than the car seat (more difficult than you might think...maybe not for those of you who know me well). The pick-up was the best part, it was like curb side to go. I called when we were about ten minutes away and said we'd be there right at 5pm. The caseworker said she would come downstairs with the baby and meet us as we drove up. We drove up to the curb, she walked out with a tiny little baby

Here's the captain

and a couple of garbage bags of formula, clothes and diapers, and we were off, both of us wondering how that had just happened. To make a long story short, we spent the rest of the evening (and most of the night) staring at this strange little being that has entered into our home at least for a few weeks.

Is this for real?!?!

Very strange. But also very good. We'll call him the captain, since he is already in charge of everything and running our lives. I think that we'd gladly keep him forever, but we'll see what happens. Life is good, if a little more tiring than it was a day ago.

Lisa has a new target for her camera, Captain beware.


The Kenyons said...

That made me cry! I am so happy that you get to have this little baby with you, even if it is just for a little while. What a loving home this baby gets to spend time in! You and Lisa are the greatest and I hope that things go well!

Carrie said...

What lucky little guy! I am so happy for you guys.

Hoss.Rose.MiniB said...

He is adorable! I think the port-a-crib is harder to figure than the car seat!

Unknown said...

Congrats!!! He is very cute.

melissa said...

He's so sweet! That totally made me cry. I think about you guys so often and wish and hope and pray for you to become parents to a (or several) lucky child. Babies are such little miracles. I could sit and hold a newborn baby all day long. I'm so happy for you guys! Hang in there - you won't be getting much sleep for a looooooooong time... But that little bundle is SO worth it, isn't he? xoxo to you guys.

Kori said...

I'm so glad the captain has such a fine crew to sail with. He is indeed lucky to be spending some of his early days surrounded by so much love.

Jodie said...

Yep, pretty much crying. Love him already and I haven't even seen him yet. He is one blessed little man to be in your home. :)

Gina said...

Oh I am so glad that I am not the only one who cried after seeing this post. What a lucky little boy to get to spend time with you....even if for just a little while.

D.B. said...

Wow Chris, that's like going from night to day for sure. No months and months of prep, even though I guess you guys have been prepping for some time. Those infant car seats are tricky, you surely don't want to mess that up. Good luck w/ the Captain, the name is very fitting. There can only be one captain though, guess we have a tribe of cheifs or something. Keep us posted!

The Keelers said...

That is such a great story and I am so excited for you guys! He is absolutely adorable! Good luck and congrats.

Michelle said...

we could not be happier for you lovely folks. welcome to a whole new world. he's just beautiful.

Michelle said...

I said a prayer of thanksgiving last night for you, your wife, and the Captain. Come what may, I hope that things work out fabulously for you all.
