That is what our life has been like lately. Allow me to vent a little. It started a little more than a month ago. My awesome, manly 1997 Ford Taurus with 186,000 miles started to fall apart. Not all at once mind you. Just $300 dollars here, a new set of tires there and then a few more minor visits to the mechanic later and we thought we had our car back. While that was going on, we went on a little family outing and managed to leave an iPhone on top of the car as we went driving down the interstate. Now that phone is scattered to the winds. And the road. And everywhere else.
So we bought a new phone. Then we found out that the car was sicker than we thought. In fact it had a terminal illness that would require transplants of almost every major organ. And then no guarantee that it would get better. This all happened while Lisa's family was here for a wedding. Just a nice little added touch. The next day, we got even better news. The dryer died a slow horrible death. Again while everyone was here.
So yesterday, after everyone had left, Lisa picked me up from work (because we only have the one car) and we went to look at new dryers. After having looked at several we decided that we would stop one more time even though it was close to bedtime for the kids. We'd be quick we said. It'll be fast we said. Just one quick easy stop. Until the lady backed into our car. It wasn't quick or fast or any of those things. An hour later after the police came and made a report, we went home, with a slightly battered car and without having looked at dryers.
Our luck has to turn sometime. I should buy a lottery ticket.
1 comment:
still in sync, ;) see my blog post lol
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