Meanderings of my mind
New England Fall
The pic really doesn't do it justice. The colors in the background were phenomenal.
I'm bald but my wife loves me anyway.
It was fun to see the balloons out over the falls.
We went fishing on a charter boat out on Lake Ontario. We had a great time and of course, I caught the biggest fish.
We also took the boat up the river trying for some salmon. No luck with the salmon, but we had some great views of the river gorge and the foliage.
On our last day with my parents here, we went to the Powers family farm for some pumpkin fun. It really made Lisa happy and it was amazing to see so many pumpkins all in one place. Plus I got to get some good sour apple licorice. Hmmm. Life is good.
Un Tempio Romano
al presente
Non riesco a esprimere i sentimenti provati questa settimana passata quando è venuto annunciato il tempio romano che sarà costruito. Questo tempio sarà una benedizione veramente grande per il popolo italiano, e so che è davvero una concessione di tante preghiere. Quanto sono grato al Signore, e devo confessare di essere super-stra-arci emozionato per quest’evento molto anticipato. Ora devo cominciare i preparativi per poi andare a Roma per quando verrà dedicato il tempio. C’è un inno italiano nel quale la prima strofa incomincia, "Mandate voci di gioia all'Eterno" e ora mando la mia voce all'Eterno con tanta gioia.
ci si mangia
This is my favorite pasta. I have just found it in the US, and am rather thrilled, though conflicted, which explains my current rant. Besides pasta, cheese and bread are also high on the villain list of evil foods that have combined to make my taste buds explode, as well as my waist line. This isn't a new thing for me either. I don't know if I will ever forget a past friend telling me that maybe I shouldn't buy the good mozzarella. Notice that the adjective used to describe said friend is in reference to the past, as in not present. Bottom line, I like good food, but am worried about wanting to be in shape and wanting to look good. Please feel free to weigh in (no pun intended) with any of your own culinary thoughts.