Christmas Shopping Slendor
Calvin or Chris???
I would lose that fight. Badly.
Running on Empty
Fall Pictures
hello big bald head aka Charlie Brown?
Blogging @ despair.com
Lisa took this photo this morning, and while it is fun to see the freshly fallen snow, it is with heavy hearts that we must now say goodbye to the sun until next April or May. Good thing we have digital cable.
Time & Learning
I love the fall leaves of western New York, this fall especially has been fabulous. We have two beautiful maples in our backyard. There are extraordinary trees all over our neighborhood. However, it's not nearly as fun to pick those leaves up off of the ground, and at that point, they aren't that pretty either. I know, earth shattering revelation.
I play in a flag football league on Monday nights at 11pm with four other guys ages 21 - 22. So starting off, there are two big red flags against it. 11pm is just not a great time for me to try and function at much other than zombie level. Add to that the fact that I'm ten years older than these guys with my mind determined to run my body like it thinks it should, and nothing quite reacts like it is supposed to. Anyhow, my body is just now finishing the recovery process from last Monday night, and I will be playing again tomorrow night. Major mind altering revelation number two is that my recovery time in between even pseudo sports has lengthened. Before you know it, I'll have to rest a month in between chess matches.
Meanderings of my mind
New England Fall
The pic really doesn't do it justice. The colors in the background were phenomenal.
I'm bald but my wife loves me anyway.
It was fun to see the balloons out over the falls.
We went fishing on a charter boat out on Lake Ontario. We had a great time and of course, I caught the biggest fish.
We also took the boat up the river trying for some salmon. No luck with the salmon, but we had some great views of the river gorge and the foliage.
On our last day with my parents here, we went to the Powers family farm for some pumpkin fun. It really made Lisa happy and it was amazing to see so many pumpkins all in one place. Plus I got to get some good sour apple licorice. Hmmm. Life is good.
Un Tempio Romano
al presente
Non riesco a esprimere i sentimenti provati questa settimana passata quando è venuto annunciato il tempio romano che sarà costruito. Questo tempio sarà una benedizione veramente grande per il popolo italiano, e so che è davvero una concessione di tante preghiere. Quanto sono grato al Signore, e devo confessare di essere super-stra-arci emozionato per quest’evento molto anticipato. Ora devo cominciare i preparativi per poi andare a Roma per quando verrà dedicato il tempio. C’è un inno italiano nel quale la prima strofa incomincia, "Mandate voci di gioia all'Eterno" e ora mando la mia voce all'Eterno con tanta gioia.
ci si mangia
This is my favorite pasta. I have just found it in the US, and am rather thrilled, though conflicted, which explains my current rant. Besides pasta, cheese and bread are also high on the villain list of evil foods that have combined to make my taste buds explode, as well as my waist line. This isn't a new thing for me either. I don't know if I will ever forget a past friend telling me that maybe I shouldn't buy the good mozzarella. Notice that the adjective used to describe said friend is in reference to the past, as in not present. Bottom line, I like good food, but am worried about wanting to be in shape and wanting to look good. Please feel free to weigh in (no pun intended) with any of your own culinary thoughts.
Phone Fun
Among my other thoughts, both of my teams, the Packers and the Pokes registered L's for the weekend. UW was especially pathetic.
Other things
1. I'm excited for this coming weekend and the grape festival down in Naples. I can already taste that fantastic grape pie!
2. I like/dislike Sunday evenings. It's nice because they are generally relaxing, but I usually put off going to bed until late because I really don't want Monday morning to come.
3. I really like my job. I like working with numbers and statistics. Does that make me a nerd?
4. I'd like to either take a class/buy a book to learn PHP programming. I think that does make me a nerd.
5. My wife wants to put wallpaper up in the kitchen. I think I'm ok with that as long as it's not too busy. There you go Lisa, on-line proof that I am resigned to the fact that we'll be putting up wallpaper.
6. I really like autumn, but it is somewhat bitter sweet. I really like the leaves and the sports (that doesn't count as a sports comment) and the feeling in the air. The bitter part of it is that winter comes right after fall. Icky, not the shuffle, but the adjective.
7. Lisa is taking a quilting class through a local quilting shop. That makes her happy. Lisa happy makes me happy. Broken down, my life is like a very simple mathematical equation. If my wife is happy, so am I. If not, I'm not. Very simple. I still manage to mess that up sometimes.
8. Did I already mention that I'm excited for this coming weekend?
9. My parents are coming in a few weeks to visit. Part of the great thing about living so far away from family, is that it's always good to see them and they are always excited to see you.
10. Even though the Pokes showed their school colors running down their legs, I still can't help but cheer for them. Sorry, couldn't help putting in one comment about Wyoming.
Buona Notte.
The Resort at Louis Lake
il bosco sacro
Quality Service
The first happened to me when I was in high school and dining in the fine establishment known as Wendy's in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. I don't remember if we had already ordered or if we were waiting to order, but what I do remember, and what I think about every time I step foot inside of a Wendy's to this day, is that the manager and an employee got into a screaming match the spilled out into the dining area. There were four letter words flying all over the place. I'm guessing that Wendy's marketing division probably would prefer a different technique than the one employed on that occasion. I think my poor mother still might be scarred.
The other occasion was a one of a kind occurrence, I hope. We were living in Provo, Utah and went out to dinner with our great friends (who we still miss and can't believe that they are unwilling to move across the country to be around us, come on Kenyons, get with the program already!!!) the Kenyons, although from the statement in parenthesis, you should have already been able to guess that. Richard wanted to take us to a sushi place, and so we ended up going to the Happy Sumo. Before I get into the meat and potatoes of this story, I should throw it out there that I've since eaten at the Happy Sumo, and it was great food, but I guess the quality of the food was never the problem to begin with. As I sit here typing, I realize that this is a rather lengthy post, but I digress. We got in and seated and placed our orders. We ordered a variety of sushi to try as well as some other dishes. It was my first experience with sushi, and I really liked the tuna. So we sat and talked
and ate the other dishes as they came out, one at a time with about a 20 - 30 minute wait in between each dish. Lisa says that I'm not doing the story justice, we were eating mostly raw food, how much time does it take to prepare? The tempura veggies were great, but we were getting a little hungry waiting for the main courses to arrive. Finally after waiting for close to 90 minutes (I kid you not, there is no Packer factor involved in this memory) everyone's entree arrived except mine. So I tried to exercise some more patience, but it was getting worn a little thin. After waiting close to two and a half hours for my main dish, the waitress finally appeared and left us with the bill! I was flabbergasted. It was one of those situations that you just aren't prepared for, because you really can't imagine happening, and so you don't know how to react. I stammered something as to the whereabouts of my meal, the response that the waitress gave has become a classic line by now in the Packer home, and probably the Kenyon home as well. She said, and I quote, "Oh, were you still hungry, I didn't think that you wanted it anymore, and so I cancelled it." To which I said that I realize I'm a larger guy (I really didn't say that part, but the next part yes) but I hadn't really eaten anything yet except for a few sushi samples and appetizers off of everyone else's plates! Of course I was hungry, to which she stated, "Well I could have the kitchen fix it up for you real quick." We had already waited for almost three hours by this point, and were questioning their definition of quick and so I politely asked to speak to the manager. The waitress agreed and left to find the manager, but not before explaining to us, "Yeah, the manager will tell you how it is." Exactly how was the manager going to tell us how it was? She came up and explained that she was sorry for the delay, but they were short a chef that evening. To make up for the mishap, they would give us a discount on the dinner. We then explained to the manager that the reason I was still hungry is that I had never received my order because the waitress had canceled it. She paused for a second with a look of shock upon her face and then kindly explained that she really was so sorry and that the whole meal would be on the house, and to please not judge the restaurant by that one night. So in the long run, it was good because we got our meal for free, but I think we stopped at a drive thru on the way home so that I could get something to eat. Chris didn't leave the Happy Sumo, a happy sumo.
Randomnicity and other such splendiferousnesses
- Wyoming needs an offense, or at the very least, someone to lead the one that they already have. From the first two games, it seems that their defense is good, but that old saying that your coach always told you "Defense wins championships" is worth about the same amount that I get paid for writing these posts, if you can't put any points up on the board.
- Lisa really likes Project Runway, which is actually pretty funny (the show is funny, not it's funny that Lisa likes it, well maybe it is a little funny that Lisa likes it). In fact, she is watching it this very minute as I type away. My complaint is, who came up with this, and better yet, who did they get to back their idea, because I have a ton of them. Anyone out there with lots of money they don't know what to do with, because I have some great ideas on how to spend it for you.
- How can the Yankees not win the World Series every year when they are spending the combined GNP of several third world countries on an annual basis in order to staff the team with the best of the best?
- Speaking about money spent on professional athletes, how do they look themselves in the mirror on a daily basis when they pull in $30M a year, and there are people barely scraping by on minimum wage (about $19,000/year and that's with an average of 20 hours of overtime a week). That's roughly 1600 times greater. Even loving sports as much as I do, how can you justify that? How is anyone worth that much money? The really disgusting thing is that the everyday Joe, you and I, are the ones that are financing it. We buy the tickets, jerseys and other paraphernalia, pay for the tv access, etc... Sad.
- The college and professional football seasons are barely under way, and we are already hearing news about the upcoming basketball season. One thing at a time please. We all know (especially my wife) that I don't multi-task well. Let me enjoy the wondermicity that is football season before throwing in the boring basketball season. Everyone knows that the only good things about basketball season are a. march madness and b. the NBA playoffs, which occur in JUNE. Let's enjoy football while we can.
- I want to find a job in Italy. Anyone know of someone who would pay me good money to work in Italy for a few years. I know that it's even farther from family, but all the more reason for them to come and visit.
- I don't like the BCS. I'm not going to even start on the whole playoff vs. bowl game discussion. It's just in a year like this, when the MWC is easily better than the ACC and probably the Big East, we get no recognition unless someone runs the table. It's all about the money.
- Lisa wants to put wallpaper up in the kitchen, and she tries to rationalize it by saying that it's just going to be one wall, and she loves fabric and wallpaper is like fabric on walls. I just keep thinking . . . 1970s.
- I'm a pansy. My wife wasn't feeling well last week as she was taking massive amounts of hormones and getting ready for youth conference and going to the doctor twice and getting blood drawn. It was a rough week on her. Oh, I forgot to mention a busy week at work. I probably wasn't as sympathetic as I should have been. So I've been feeling sick the last couple of days, and naturally feel that the world should come to a screeching halt because I'm not well. It doesn't, and I'm not sure why. Lisa was working all day and had meetings at night, so I was left to fend for my poor, sad, helpless self. She didn't complain nearly as much as I feel like complaining. She is just tougher than I am.
- Back to project runway. I don't get fashion. I don't get "cutting edge" fashion ideas. I mean, you just can't go wrong with jeans and a t-shirt, or jeans and a button-up shirt. Notice the consistency of jeans. I've yet to see anything with jeans on project runway. Hmmm. I guess that's why they don't ask me to be on the show.
Anti-Labor Day
We went from not doing anything over the Labor Day weekend, to having to hit the ground running. We spent this last weekend with the stake youth, and it might be the first time that I have ever really felt like an adult. Staying up late and chasing kids back to their tents, telling them to put cell phones away and to pay attention, then mumbling under my breath when they had a smart remark to say to me. That was a response that my dad would have. Good grief.
Fall = Football
What really gets me excited about football this time of year, is the Wyoming Cowboys. I would say that most people who know me, are aware of my outspokenness for all things Wyoming, but most especially for the pokes (for those of you uneducated in cowboy isms, cowboy = cowpoke = poke). What makes my love for the pokes even that much greater, is the fact the I am almost utterly and completely alone in my poke adoration and must fight off the tide of blue that will forever surround me, thanks to religious associations. And that sea of (quite often self righteous and even sometimes oblivious) blue will always and forever be loathed (key the Wicked music, you know the song, but instead of blond, it would be blue - you all know that Galinda/Glinda is definitely a big haired with many highlights, overly tanned and now orange, happy valley girl) at least athletically (that clarification is necessary, because I actually do have friends that attended BYU, not to mention my wife, and the fact that I even lived in Provo for several years, not to worry, whenever I was on campus, I wore the beautiful colors of God's country - brown and gold!). Even in my optimism for Wyoming football, who barely managed to pull off a win at home over a not too terribly great Ohio team, I don't turn a blind eye towards reality. I am well aware that Wyoming will realistically finish somewhere between 4th and 6th in the MWC, unless a miracle occurs on offense (miracle meaning that Wyoming somehow manages to obtain an offense). I am also aware that BYU has a shot of winning the conference yet again, and possibly playing in a BCS bowl at the end of the year. Add to that the fact that Wyoming has to go to BYU and play, I don't have too much hope that the brown and gold will pull out a W at the Y. That doesn't mean I won't talk trash with the foaming sea of blue I interact with on a regular basis, nor does it mean that I won't be cheering my heart out in hopes that UW ruins the possibility of a perfect season/conference championship/major bowl game for those that bleed blue. It just means that I'll have to resort to some other means in order to try and weaken the blind faith and adoration of the cougar nation that is heaped upon all things BYU. That being said, nothing would make me happier than to see my beloved pokes waltz into happy valley and terrorize it's inhabitants. Have a great day.
In Search of Children
... are they really worth it?
Ode to Lisa
Lest it be thought that I was complaining about my wife in any way, shape or form in the last couple of posts (and so that I don't sleep on the couch), I just wanted to throw this in. I love my wife. I wouldn't be where I am today if not for her. She has pushed me to not only be better, but to do better, and do so much quicker than I would have done on my own. She is very driven, which drives me. Without her desire to always be moving forward and her encouragement to me as I tried to do so, I know that a lot of the great things that have happened to us in the last four years simply would not have taken place. She is the best thing in my life, and she makes each day an adventure. And finally, after all of the nice, gushy things that I just said (and honestly meant) about my wife, she is drop dead gorgeous!