So Lisa and I have a pretty good life. We really can't complain about too much, we could, but it would mostly just be complaining to each other. We both really want kids, and after several years of "trying" it is still just the Chris and Lisa show in our house. Don't get me wrong, we have a lot of fun together and enjoy our freedom to be able to pick up and leave for the weekend whenever we want or do any number of things on the spur of the moment. Things that would be much more difficult with kids. So we finally broke down and went to fertility specialists at the end of last year and it worked out so that the doctor that Lisa went to is male, and my doctor is female. Of course. And it turns out that we both have fertility "issues" that needed to be addressed. Because of our "issues" our doctors told us that basically we would never conceive on our own. At least the odds were so slim, it would be better to put money on the Lander Jr. High School 7th grade B team winning the next Super Bowl than on us producing offspring by more traditional methods. Not good. Without going into too much detail, we have since gone through a number of different procedures that haven't worked, and we don't have too many options left for us to conceive. All of this has been hard on us and quite emotionally draining at times. One of the things that has helped as we've gone through this process is that we've at least been able to laugh about it and make fun of the situation, especially Lisa making fun of me. It seems that I'm easy to make fun of, whoever would have thought of that?
So, having gone through what we have, and getting ready to go through even more, there is one question that keeps coming to mind...
... are they really worth it?